BPO 2.0: No Longer “One Size Fits All”

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is undergoing a metamorphosis. At one time, outsourcing solutions were one-size-fits-all, with providers offering generic services to many clients. Today, we’re seeing the rise of what has been called “BPO 2.0”: a shift to specialization and niche outsourcing. BPO Evolves Reduced expenses and streamlined operations fueled BPO’s early days. Companies outsourced non-core functions to reduce labor costs and improve productivity. However, as the industry matured, clients began seeking more value from

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DataPath Receives New Honors for Marketing

DataPath, Inc. has recently received five prestigious awards, showcasing the company’s dedication to excellence in direct mail marketing and thought leadership communications. Two of DataPath’s direct mail campaigns have been acknowledged for their innovative approach and compelling messaging. The “Recipes for Success” campaign, which creatively combines unique brochure construction with targeted messaging, has been honored with a Platinum award in the Hermes Awards and a Gold award in the DANDA Awards. This campaign effectively showcases the

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Outsourcing in the Financial Sector

financial sector outsourcing

Outsourcing is no longer mostly about cutting costs. It has become a crucial strategy in finance-related industries thanks to fast-changing, tech-driven markets. Here are some of the key trends in outsourcing that are now happening within the banking, financial institutions, and insurance (BFSI) business sectors. Strategic Partnerships Gone are the days of basic vendor-client relationships. Today, financial institutions emphasize partnerships that offer more comprehensive services in alignment with their long-term goals. For example, imagine a

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10 Ways Outsourcing Can Revolutionize Your Company

10 ways outsourcing

Today’s most competitive companies are those who constantly look for ways to innovate processes, optimize operations, and deliver exceptional value. Toward that end, business process management (BPM) and business process outsourcing (BPO) can change the game for businesses of any size and in nearly any industry.  By entrusting certain tasks and functions to specialized third-party providers, companies can revolutionize their operations and transform their futures. Here are 10 factors to consider. Cost Savings One of

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Crucial Role of Business Process Management

business process management

In the ever-evolving landscape of business operations, staying ahead requires not just adaptability but also strategic process management. This is where Business Process Management (BPM) comes into play. For many businesses, understanding and implementing BPM can be a game-changer in navigating the complex web of tasks and responsibilities. But what is BPM, and why is it so important? What is Business Process Management? BPM is a systematic approach to identifying, designing, executing, documenting, monitoring, and

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DataPath Launches Accelergent Growth Solutions

LITTLE ROCK, AR (March 26, 2024) – DataPath, Inc. today announced the launch of Accelergent Growth Solutions to help companies in the benefits, financial services, and insurance industries accelerate their growth and profitability. Accelergent offers expert business process management, outsourcing, automation, and marketing services, allowing businesses to focus on core competencies and revenue-generating activities. The new organization expands a 15+ year partnership between DataPath, Inc. and its sister company, Overbrook Technology Services (OTS). John Robbins,

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What Is BPO?


Companies use business process outsourcing (BPO) when they hire external vendors to complete tasks requiring additional expertise, personnel, or both. In their Global Outsourcing Survey 2022, Deloitte defines three types of these services: Across the business spectrum, tasks can range from simple (e.g., generating mailings) to complex (e.g., cybersecurity). So, what is BPO, and how can it help TPAs? Evolution of BPO Modern outsourcing began in the 1980s with customer support call centers. However, BPO has

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TPA Marketing: In-House or Outsource?

marketing strategy

Third-party administrators who provide effective enrollment, renewal, and year-round participant information provide their clients with the best experience. Implementing quality sales promotion tools and thought leadership activities can also help the TPA grow. Given how challenging and time-consuming that can be, many TPAs choose to outsource their marketing needs. Sales, Enrollment, and Educational Materials Participants must fully understand their growing pool of benefit options to maximize adoption and usage. Year-round education is essential. It’s vital

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BPO: What Is It and How Can It Help TPAs?


Business Process Outsourcing, or BPO, is the hiring of external vendors to complete tasks requiring additional expertise, personnel, or both. In their Global Outsourcing Survey 2022, Deloitte defines three types of BPO services: Across the business spectrum, tasks can range from simple (e.g., generating mailings) to complex (e.g. cybersecurity). Evolution of BPO Modern outsourcing began in the 1980s with customer support call centers. However, BPO has evolved and dramatically expanded since then, especially with the arrival

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